Tuesday, January 31, 2012

HTLS Letter of Intent for 2012-13 Academic Year

Due by: Friday, February 3, 2012

Holy Trinity Parents,
It is that time of year again! In order to prepare for the upcoming school year we need to know your intentions for your child’s education at Holy Trinity for the 2012 – 2013 school year. We are receiving calls daily regarding the enrollment of new students and will begin open registration for our new families on February 4, 2012.

Please fill out the following information and return it to the school office or your child’s current teacher By Friday, February 3, 2012. If it is not received by then, we cannot guarantee a spot will be available for your child.

Holy Trinity appreciates your prompt response and we look forward to maximizing your investment in your child’s educational future.
Student’s Name: ____________________________________
2012-2013 Grade Level: ________________

Check One:
_____ Enclosed is the June 1st tuition payment

_____ Bill me for the June 1st tuition payment

_____ I would like to speak with the Business Manager or Principal

Contact me at: _______________________________________

A Note from the Principal

Dear Holy Trinity Parents,

We are sure that you have realized that Holy Trinity is a very special place for your child. Your child not only gets an outstanding and rigorous Christian education, but your child receives special attention and enrichment that he or she would not be able to get in another school setting.

The 2012-2013 Fee Schedules are provided below. Please review them carefully as there are some changes. The School Board has made a very wise decision to allow the school to re-structure our tuition program so that we are able to keep Holy Trinity’s high standards of education at an affordable price. We love our current families and only want to make the Holy Trinity experience even better for them.

In order to better meet the needs of our families and the community we serve, The School Board has made some changes in our program for next year. These changes will enable Holy Trinity to provide for a rigorous, competitive Christian education while keeping our class sizes small for individualized instruction. Over the summer, we will be offering optional VPK (Voluntary Pre-Kindergarten). During the school year, we will offer 3 year-old pre-kindergarten through third grade as well as morning and afternoon sessions of VPK.

If you have questions, please arrange an appointment with Mrs. Jacobs our Business Manager. She is willing to sit down and talk with you about this new tuition program and how it will positively affect your family.
In His Service,
Sherry Eberhart Lane
Holy Trinity Lutheran School
Fee Schedule 2012 – 2013

In order for your child’s placement to be secured at HTLS, your completed application for admissions form is to be received and the application and registration fee paid within 10 business days.

New Students Only: $50.00 Application Fee is non-refundable.

$500 Registration Fee per child (non-refundable)

PK through 3rd Grade Tuition Investment Schedule
Tuition Preschool through 3rd Grade $6,000
Tuition payments are to be paid annually from June 1st to May 1st on a 12 month payment schedule.

*Multiple Child Discount: $1000 per family

*Military & First Responders Discount: $1000 per family

*Holy Trinity Lutheran Church Member Discount: $1500 per family
*Maximum of 2 discounts per family

Optional Extended Programs
Extended Care rates are invoiced with your tuition provided you sign up monthly for this service no later than the 15th of the previous month.

Annual EC Registration Fee: *Non-refundable - $50 per child

Monthly EC Fee Schedule for 7 A.M. to 8 A.M. - $25 per child

Monthly EC Fee Schedule for 3 P.M. to 6 P.M. - $150 per child

Without notification of your child’s attendance prior to the 15th of the previous month, the following “drop-in” rates will apply.

Drop-in Rates (per hour, no partials)
• Morning Care $5.00/hour
• Afternoon Care $10.00/hour
• Special Holidays/Full Day $25.00/day

Third Source Funding Responsibilities
October Walk-a-Thon:
Single Child Family $250 or Multiple Child Family $350

Spring Auction:
Single Child Family $100 or Multiple Child Family $200